Welcome to
SafetyNL's Online Learning Management System
SafetyNL is a not-for-profit organization, meaning when you choose us, your investment goes back into safety-related services and community programs in NL.SafetyNL is proud to have aligned itself with Safety Services Canada, a results-based organization dedicated to making our country safer and healthier. In a concerted effort we strive to achieve excellence in the offering of instruction and mentoring in coordinated and comprehensive ventures that have health and safety as a core value.We aim to improve safety on our roadways, in our workplaces, and throughout our communities. We strive in our continuing quest for the safety of each and every Newfoundlander and Labradorian.
Our offerings go far beyond driver education and motorcycle programs. Our scope has broadened to address each sphere of our community goals and mission!
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Adapting to all screens: You can access our courses from mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.
We offer in-class training sessions for those who prefer face to face learning.
Course Manuals
Many of our courses have physical books to help with persons with poor vision and to reduce screen time reading.
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